Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Good Day's

Hello everyone! 
On May 25, 2014 my father had a reunion with the people that he graduated high school from. Not all of them were there but it was still a huge group of people. Everyone went with their families and we all got to know each other.
It all took place at my
 grandfather's house, with the swimming pool, horse riding and many other things. Sunday morning we all woke up very early to clean so the place would look beautiful, my father was extremely happy because he was going to see all his high school friends. 
Around 9:00am all the people started to arrive, it was crazy. The little kids arrived; saw the pool and seconds later they were already in. The adults acted like little kids remembering their times, started sharing stories of funny things they would do, how they would get in trouble, even played music of their times. You would never listen one call the other by their name, it would be by the nick-name they had in high-school. Some of the people in the place I already knew because of past reunions, it was nice to see them and their kids again. 

Older people always say: after you graduate high-school, try to keep in touch with as many of you classmates that have been you friends for so long. I do believe this is importante because after so many years, forget about a person in not cool. On sunday, it was nice to see how all the friends would hug each other and say that after so many years they were still all great friends. 
I know that its hard to keep that best friend or friends you have had since small but I would love to. During my seven years in Sunshine I have made amazing friends. To let distance come in between a friendship is not what I want, I really dream that in 30 years from now we will all see each other again and feel the same excitment I know my dad and his friends and his friends made.

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