Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I've Been Blessed

Hello Everyone
One of the things I have always been grateful with God about is that He blessed me with such great authorities, my grandparents. My grandfather is the kind of man that shows so much love to everyone, he has such a huge heart and I always willing to help others. He has taught me to learn from my mistakes, to take opportunities and always work extremely hard. I have seen him prosper in everything he does, everything he has is because of God's grace. Everyday at 6:30 am my grandpa starts his day, cleaning the birds cage, washing the pool area, checking out if everything is going well in the farm and other things. He is about to be 8o years old and continues to be my example. During the week I am always desperate for it to be Saturday or Sunday because I will see him, arriving to his house and feel the love in every hug can not be compared to any other great feeling. 
On the other side, my beautiful grandmother is the women that went through so much in her life but learned something through all the experiences. I admire her, she is 81 and looks a lot younger. All the stories I hear from her are funny or tragic, but she always wants to tell her story so we could learn may things. To make her feel happy is so easy, all I have to do when I see her is say: " Here's my beautiful grandma shining like the sun. She only laughs.
 I could not be more thankful with both of them. God couldn't have blessing me in a better way. I love my old man and my old lady. Everthing moment I have spent with them has been beautiful, I believe and trust  in God that we will continue have many more moments to spend together. I love my grandparents.

Good Day's

Hello everyone! 
On May 25, 2014 my father had a reunion with the people that he graduated high school from. Not all of them were there but it was still a huge group of people. Everyone went with their families and we all got to know each other.
It all took place at my
 grandfather's house, with the swimming pool, horse riding and many other things. Sunday morning we all woke up very early to clean so the place would look beautiful, my father was extremely happy because he was going to see all his high school friends. 
Around 9:00am all the people started to arrive, it was crazy. The little kids arrived; saw the pool and seconds later they were already in. The adults acted like little kids remembering their times, started sharing stories of funny things they would do, how they would get in trouble, even played music of their times. You would never listen one call the other by their name, it would be by the nick-name they had in high-school. Some of the people in the place I already knew because of past reunions, it was nice to see them and their kids again. 

Older people always say: after you graduate high-school, try to keep in touch with as many of you classmates that have been you friends for so long. I do believe this is importante because after so many years, forget about a person in not cool. On sunday, it was nice to see how all the friends would hug each other and say that after so many years they were still all great friends. 
I know that its hard to keep that best friend or friends you have had since small but I would love to. During my seven years in Sunshine I have made amazing friends. To let distance come in between a friendship is not what I want, I really dream that in 30 years from now we will all see each other again and feel the same excitment I know my dad and his friends and his friends made.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

It's Crazy

Hello Ya'll is so crazy isn't it? In school we are missing almost two weeks to finish and the amount of things I have to do is ridiculous. I never thought it was going to be like this, going to sleep every day after 12 at night, working on my homework since I get home, its pretty rough. The only thing I really want is to finish this school year,because its the end of a chapter in my life but I am ready to start a new one. Time has gone by so fast I really cant believe it. It feels like if I were in fourth grade, first day of school meting completely new people that have now become my friends, some even like my brothers. Now we are all grown up and about to graduate..I love it! Teachers love talking to us and say, in the university nothing is going to be as it is here, it will be a lot more harder so we are preparing you guys for that. I know it is true, nothing in life is easy but the effort we are putting into doing our assignments will be blessed by God and He will take control over everything else that will happen. 
I am not sure if what older people say is true, treasure you high-school friends as much as you can, they are always the best one's. Things might not always be perfect between classmates, no one is perfect and you can not always please everyone. I do want to think that God has a purpose in the life of every one of my classmates and in my own life and whatever it is, the purpose of the Lord will be fulfilled in our lives. The seed in our lives is planted and all we have to do is let God work in our life. I have always thought of the school as my second home, I have been seen grow up, I could not be more thankful with everything I learned in this place. The educational things we learned are obviously important but the spiritual guidance we have received is outstanding. 
So I end with this, be thankful for the things you have, do not complain because there are others that do not have the privilege we have. We must keep on giving our best until the very last day. Two more weeks is nothing, in no time it will be June 28th...graduation day, the day we have all been waiting for. 


Hello everyone.
Today was a pretty rough day but in the end it was a great day. At school it was the TehnoFair, this activity is done every school year in which all students demonstrate what they have learned in computer class. Every grade is learning about a different program, this means that all the projects are different. Its nice to see how things are changing, the decorations, lights, music, and other things called the attention of the people and as everyone knows, new things bring life to a place. 
 The project my classmates and I did was a video...edited using Adobe Premier. The experience we had with the making of the videos was pretty hard but in a way fun,the important part is that we were able to finish everything on time. Because the process of learning how to use this project was a bit complex we had to put more effort into making the videos, applying effects and other things. In our classroom, there was one group of five students that were presenting the projects. The five of them needed to explain what program we used, the procedure, and the benefits of this program. All the videos we used to demonstrate that we could use the program were made by use. It was very funny, most parents, some teachers and other students enjoyed all the videos. There were some parts that were definitely not appropriate for the activity but it was done and as a group we did not really noticed the we were going to get lower grades in that class because we did not notice. 
The rest of the Seniors were selling desserts, all the money that we would gained for the sal is for Social Work, graduation expenses and if there is anything left, for the senior fare-well trip. 
I look at this activity as a blessing because it was the last time we are going to present a work we did. It was very fun and worth the try Adobe Premier. All i hope is that the rest of the students get to try working with this program and enjoy it as much as we did. 
I declare blessing upon you life.