Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kart (Physics Activity)

On Wednesday 20 we did an activity in our physics class to make it interesting and fun!
We got together in pairs and took a wodden kart. The mass of our kart was of 273.1 g 

What we wanted to do in this activity was apply the second law of motion. 


With a tool called "Sping Scale" we were able to measure the force required to pull the kart.
We did this activity three times and within each trail we put on top in the kart a certain amout of weight (masses). 

After doing the activity 3 times we wrote down our results. In each trial we got different results so because we already new how much was the mass and force on used of each trail we isolated so we could we the acceleration and we did. 

Our results were the following: 

Being able to do this activity was really fun! 

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