Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Physic's Football Game

It was a good day playing football in our physics class. I think everyone asks theirselves, why play football in a physics class? I think it was a great way to learn and have fun, isn't in just cool to be able to learn in ways you get to enjoy the class. I loved it and here is what I got to learn.

 There are many different things that can be related between football and physics, but the most important relationship between football and physics is that they are both related with God. The Lord is the center of everything and that is very important for people to know. He is the creator of everything, He is who puts the ideas of everything in the minds of the people that came up with everything that has to do with physics and football. So the "inventors" of these things shouldn't be thinking they came up with all these cool ideas by themselves cause they are very wrong! IT WAS GOD! Football is a sport and sports were invented so people can do exercise. That is interesting because The Bible says that we must take care of our temple and our body is the temple so a good way of taking care of our body is doing exercise.
Playing football is fun...I know, but have you ever tried to think in how you can relate physics to the game. Well I had not stopped to think about that until now! There are a lot of different terms that are used in physics but you can clearly see how you implement them in a football game. Lets see how I related physics with our Physics-Football Game! 

My first example of how I was able to relate football with physics is by the momentum. Momentum is the velocity of the object(ball)  times its mass. How can we say that these two things are relate,easy, while we were playing and I kicked the ball to one of the guys on my team I transfered momentum, I also transfered momentum when I was passing the ball to one of my classmates. Another way of relating the two topics is by another term called impulse, it is the change in momentum and I think Impluse was used in the game when one of my classmates touched the ball with their head, because it is being touched with a body part that is in movement.
We can also see that the term velocity was used in the game when I kicked the ball to one of the guys on my team. Velocity in this case is how fast the object(ball) traveled to were I had kicked it.
Another great example was when the ball was on the ground, there was a force acting on the ball because it was what was keeping the ball in its place until someone moved the ball.
There are a lot of different was of learning and always remember that in everything you do you will learn something new so you just have to pay attention to see what the lesson yfor you will be just how I learned that every time I play soccer I am applying something realted with physics. 

I Bless you all with all my heart.   

Monday, May 13, 2013

Learning in fun ways :)

We never finish learning!
We are in the last partial and in our Physics class we started learning about Torque. And
what is torque?The measure of a force's tendency to produce torsion and rotation about an axis, equal to the vector product of the radius vector from the axis of rotation to the point of application of the force and the force vector.
In our physics class we first do a excercise to have an idea how torque work.
First we had a ruler balanced over a balance that we put a clip on to maintain that balance

Then we put some metric masses in the corner of the ruler and obviously the ruler wasn't balanced so we moved a little the metric masses to have the ruler balanced again.
With the ruler balanced we obtained some data and with that we got torque.

as we can see, we obtain this data and we practiced obtainig Torque that is F*r that means force, time radio.
We did this in one physic class but this is not the end, here we did some other things to have an idea of what is torque and the force that acts over it.
We did a little experiment with a wheel and a rotational platform
but torque here? Torque is here because we need a force to rotate and we have to spin the wheel and with the platform we moved while the wheel was moving with a force.

but to have a good idea of what we talked about in this class we saw a gyroscope and we remembered when we played with a beyblade,a gyroscope is a device used for measuring or maintaing orientation, based on the principles of angular momentum, and represents the product of bodies insertia and velocity. Here we saw that the angular moments was acting over the object.

Merry-Go-Round .Who as a child has not played on a merry go round?
all children play on a merry go round, but now we can know that, that game has a part of physics,
we use a force to rotate the merry go round and the force is toward the center.
we need a force also to obtain the body of my classmates to the center.

This was our physics class and this is how we were learning about torque.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Kart (Physics Activity)

On Wednesday 20 we did an activity in our physics class to make it interesting and fun!
We got together in pairs and took a wodden kart. The mass of our kart was of 273.1 g 

What we wanted to do in this activity was apply the second law of motion. 


With a tool called "Sping Scale" we were able to measure the force required to pull the kart.
We did this activity three times and within each trail we put on top in the kart a certain amout of weight (masses). 

After doing the activity 3 times we wrote down our results. In each trial we got different results so because we already new how much was the mass and force on used of each trail we isolated so we could we the acceleration and we did. 

Our results were the following: 

Being able to do this activity was really fun! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Special Event...

Out of all the special events I can think about, I will write about my grandma's 80 birthday! 
In about two weeks my grandma will turn 80 and with my family we are planning a big family trip for her! My grandma's other daughters are comeing from the United States as a surpise for her. I know that she is going to love everything we are plannig for her. I can see that God has blessed my grandma's life with so many things because she has been and excellent daughter, great mother and the best grandmother ever! She has lived so many years because as the Lords first commandment he will bless all his sons and daughters if they honor their parents! My grandmother has been an excellent example for my life! She has taught me to be responsable, honest, a great and loving daughter! 
I love her so much and I know that she will have a excellent surprise the day of here birthday! 

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Un Viaje Para Relajarme

Mis experiencias viajando por Honduras me han llevado a la conclusión de que nací en un país precioso, el cual tiene diversidad de paisajes y esto lo confirmé cuando hice mi viaje a las aguas termales de Gracias, Lempira. Pude disfrutar con mi familia de un baño en unas deliciosas piscinas con agua caliente y las cuales pude disfrutar a la hora de la noche, y rodeada de una espesa vegetación que me hacia sentir como que estaba en una selva muy lejos del ruido de la ciudad.  

"Yo haré de ti una gran nación. Te bendeciré y engrandeceré tu nombre, y serás bendición."
(Génesis 12:2)

My lovely Pets!

Since I was a little girl I have always loved animales, in my families farm we have always had a lot of animles!
The only thing I have never liked about changing pets is when my old pet dies! Sometimes I feel like if my pets were my sibblings(I know that sounds crazy) but its true!
I have had dogs, cats, cows, horses, sheeps, birds and many other pets!

I have never been a big fan of cats but at the end they are vey useful and the baby cats are so cute!
 The horses are so nice because I can ride on them, sometimes I get scared because they are not really tamed but the good part is that I have never fallen of one of the horses!

All the birds are super beautiful! I am trying to teach one of them to speak(I haven't had success) the only thing they do is whistle!

Sometimes whrn my grandfather and I are cleaning the birds cage in the morning the birds try to escape so when they do they always come back like two or three days later because I think they realize they have a good life in there cage!
I never know when the birds are fighting of playing because they are so rough with each other! That gets me scared because one time I found one of the little birds bleeding! 

The cows are super cool! Sometimes if I wake up really early in the morning my cousin lets me help him take the milk out of the cow. It feels really funny at first but then  I get use to it so its cool. 
This is just a picture of one of my dogs but in the farm there are 8 dogs more! The dogs are actually my favorite animal I dont know why but they are! I just love the way the look at me and I love how they are always playing around so they are all so cute! 
I am thankful with God because he has bless me and my family with such great things!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The three laws of Newton related to dancing!

In our last physics class we did a very fun activity! We danced on a dance pad that a classmate took to the class! We had so much fun but when we were finished we were told we had to do a blog post relating our dance activity with Newtons three laws of motion! Here I go...
Picture: José Popoff

  If there is no force on an object, then its velocity is constant. The object is either at rest or it moves with a constant speed in a single direction.
I think we applied this law when we had to wait for a while when someone was selecting the song, so when it was time for me or any other classmate to dance we would get ready and when the computer told us to step on the right arrow we did so we could see that first the Dance pad was at rest then it canged when we started dancing!

This law describes the relashionship between sn object's mass and the amount of force needed to accelerate the object. 
I think we applied this law when we had to use our weight by stepping on the arrows on the pad. For some people it was easier because they had more mass then other do! The really skinny people had to put a greater amount of preasue but the ones that were a little bit chubbier did not have the same problem! 

For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. 
I think we applied this law when we were dancing because when we stepped on one of the arrows the computer transmitted what we did so we transmitted the action and the computer showed the reaction!


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Who I Am...

My name is Marcela Diaz and I am 16 years old!
I like to play alot of sports, specially soccer and volleyball, I also like to listen to music, spend time with my friends, read books, and pretty much always try to have fun!
I am a very sociable person, I a friendly with everyone!
I love God over all things and everything I do I try to do it for the Lord!
I would love to learn many other languages and I would like to travel around the world!
My favorite classes are Biology, Computer, Languge Arts and Chemistry!
I trust that God have a great purpose for my life!  

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Great Blessing!

Almost every weekend I get the opportunity to go to my grandpa's farm, it's actually the place I enjoy being the most! I guess this is because I get the opportunity to spend time with my grandparents, swim in the pool or river, ride on the horses, and help feed all the animales! Its a really beautiful place to be, spend the day and just relax! During the week I am always wishing time could pass by faster cause all I want to do is go to my grandpa's farm! The best thing about the farm is being able to go and swim to the river whenever I want to, it's a long walk but its worth it! The water is extremely cold but I get use to it so that doesn't really bother me! I really enjoy taking my friends over there cause they get to see why I love being over there so much! 

I am grateful with God because he has blessed me and my family with such beautiful things! 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Everyone has a special friend that is always by thier side, that they always want to be with, the friend that always makes them laugh and the person that always helps them when they need it. 
I have always been a person that has had a good relashionship with people, I try to get along with everyone. I think I'am like this because thats the way I have been raised, and my parents are the same way. I have had a little problem with the concept of "BESTFRIENDS", I really don't understand why, but I do. In the last two years I have been working in this little problem of mine and I have actually had a good advance. I figured out what my problem was so I prayed to God alot because I really wanted answer. 
I do have my bestfriends now but what I look for in a friend is someone that is honest, loves God, a friend that will never be afraid to tell me to stop doing something if they know is wrong, and someone that also knows how to have a really good time!