Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Why do things happen?

Hello to you all'
I just wanted to share with you a strange experience I went least it is strange to me!
It was around two or three months ago when I got robbed by three guys right in front of my house. Ever since this happened I started thinking the worst about every person I saw on the street. I always think the person is going to do something to me, I have even scared my parents with my ideas that everyone is a thief. So, I was walking toward the closest store to my house and there was no one near, no one outside playing football or simply just walking around. That kind of scared me, out of nowhere I saw a man on a bike riding towards were I was and the first thing that came to my mind was "This can't be happening, I’m going to get robbed AGAIN". I was scared to death thinking that this man was going to rob me or even do something to me. I started walking really fast to see if I would get to the store fast and when the man passed right by me, he said "Good afternoon and God bless you"!
I replied back and just kept on walking. All I wanted to do was laugh at myself because everything that had me so scared did not happen, the man was actually nice. I walked home confident that nothing was going to happen, I ran into two men with a woman and I even said hi smiling to them and they really happy said hi back. The best part was that in that moment I did not have even one bad idea about these people, I just felt to great with myself and extremely thankful with God.
After this happened I learned not to judge every person I saw, because I do not even know who they are, not to think they are all bad because the truth is that not everyone is a bad person.
I promised myself that every time I get afraid I am just going to pray or ask God to help me take away the bad feelings and I know He will because he is a Father of good.

This really made me think, if I always trust in God nothing is going to happen to me because He is who takes care of me, loves me, protects me, and makes all bad get away from me, but if I do not trust in God will He always do all these things for me? I think He would but it would make Him extremely happy that I always trusted in Him and always felt safe wherever I go and with whoever is around.

This experience really help me and made me realize that I had not been trusting in God, and that maybe this was just a way to wake me up and learn that I can not do anything without Him in my life. I am definitely changing these parts of me and I know that God is feeling proud of me.  


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Great Reminder

Hello Everyone!
Hope you have all been doing great these days. During the weekend I learned a lesson....well not really learned but it was more like a reminder. I have been feeling like I need a rest, get away from everything! My comncept of rest was spending a hole day in bed. My parents are not the type of people that let me sleep all day so when I am very tired I just feel they don't let me rest at all. 
I was completely determined not to do anything during the past weekend but I knew that was not going to happen but that was what I wanted. On sunday I felt really tired and my mom woke me up very early because we had to go to my grandparents house. I love going over there to spend time with them every weekend but I know that everytime I go over there I have to go and help around with things. I do not have a problem with that, infact I LOVE helping them becuase I know that my grandparents cant because they are already old people. 
After spending the day cleaning I sat down and realized I did not feel as tired as I use to, I was thinking about something I learned from my grandpa, he once told me, "Feeling tired is normal, it happens to everyone but do not let that feeling ruin your days becuase when you are not enjoying the moment you do not realize the good things that happen. I have felt tired a lot but my best way of relaxing is spending time with my family". When I remember this I realized I had been ruining my day on my own.
Spending time with my family is really my way of relaxing. 
It was around 4:30pm when my mom said that she wanted to go to the beach to watch the sunset. We packed out things and we left, the beach is like 25 min away from home! When we got there I got into the water and the first thing my mom said was "this is what I needed, come to the beach and relax with my family". I smiled when I heard her say that.
 Spending time with my family is the best way to relax. 

I learned that it is important to not think in why I was so tired and why I felt like if my body could not do anything else. 
The Bible say that God will not give you more things to do than you can resist. I have felt so thankful with the Lord in these past few days since I lived this moment. I am learning to appreciate the things I have and all the things I need to do because in some point in my life they are going to be helpful. 
So this was my lesson this weekend, I hope this was useful for someone else like it was to me! 
I Bless You All.